Milestones of the Kautz Faculty


  • 2018 new master programme got accreditation also in English language (Tourism Management MSc)
  • 2017 internalization got a focus, new master programme started in English (Supply Chain Management), in 2019 one more master and a bachelor programme start in English (International Economy and Business MSc and Business Administration and Management BSc)
  • 2016 the first English language PhD programme in Management in Hungary started within the Doctoral School
  • 2016 the whole University and within the Faculty was reorganized, social sciences and economic sciences was separated, Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics has 6 department  which are responsible for the education and research of different field of economic sciences
  • 2015 executive MBA programme started
  • 2010 the first master programme in English language started (Marketing MSc)
  • 2009 the European Credit Transfer System will be introduced and used in all Bachelor and Master’s courses
  • 2008 3 new master courses started in this year, one more in 2009 and one more in 2010
  • 2008 Doctoral School of Regional and Economic Sciences operate in its own right, Faculty of Law left the Doctoral School
  • 2007 Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics began operate -when Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Law were separated -, with 5 departments and the Center of Foreign Languages
  • 2006 Bologna-system was introduced with 4 new bachelor courses
  • 2003 successful accreditation of the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School for Social Sciences
  • 2002 Széchenyi István College was granted the rank of university. On this particular occasion two faculties – the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and the Faculty of Law and Economics - were formed.
  • 2002 the International Communication bachelor programme began
  • 1999 the four year International Relations BSc programme started
  • 1998 Széchenyi István College was the first business school where the Minister of Public Education -with the assistance of the Accreditation Committee and the Scientific Council of Higher Education- gave permission to start the Master’s programme in economics
  • 1991 Institute of Economics, than  in 1993 Faculty of Economics was established
  • 1990 the first economist bachelor degree program started

Kautz Conference 2024

Kautz Conference on Business and Economics

Transforming Global Challenges into Opportunities: Entrepreneurship and economic development in an uncertain and technology-driven business environment

Győr, Hungary – October 10-12, 2024