Research teams

Széchenyi István University proudly hosts diverse research groups dedicated to advancing knowledge and innovation across various fields. Our research teams are composed of passionate and skilled professionals committed to excellence in their respective disciplines. We cover a wide range of areas, including economics, management, social sciences, and technology, fostering an environment of interdisciplinary collaboration and discovery.

We invite fellow researchers, scholars, and academics to join our vibrant community. Whether you want to collaborate on groundbreaking projects, share your expertise, or seek new research opportunities, we offer a supportive and resource-rich environment that can propel your personal and professional growth. By joining our research groups, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, funding opportunities, and a network of like-minded professionals dedicated to significantly impacting their fields.

Explore the possibilities of collaboration and join us on our collective journey towards innovation and excellence. Together, we can push the boundaries of knowledge and create solutions for tomorrow's challenges, making a significant impact in our respective fields.

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Explore our research groups, and feel free to contact the assigned colleague within the group for any inquiries or collaboration opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence in Education and Business

The research programme aims to examine the impact of technological developments, in particular artificial intelligence (AI), in education systems and in the life of companies. This interdisciplinary research will explore the transformational potential of AI to transform education, the labour market and business and management systems in general. The research will analyse the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI in these sectors, with a focus on improving efficiency and effectiveness. It will also examine the challenges associated with the introduction of AI and its impact on societal development.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Tamás Vinkóczi PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Judit Petra Koltai PhD, Széchenyi István University
Nikolett Gyurián Nagy PhD, Széchenyi István University
Eszter Szabó-Szentgróti PhD, Széchenyi István University
Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti PhD, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Vinkóczi, T., Koltai, J. P., Nagy, N. G., Szabó-Szentgróti, E., & Szabó-Szentgróti, G. (2023). The Sustainable Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Higher Education - Results of a Pilot Study. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 107, 487–492.

Szabó-Szentgróti, G., Végvári, B., & Varga, J. (2021). Impact of Industry 4.0 and Digitization on Labor Market for 2030-Verification of Keynes’ Prediction. SUSTAINABILITY, 13(14).

Further cooperation partner:

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business

Circular Economy – Goals and Practice

The professional workshop deals with the implementation possibilities and experiences of circular business models. In this model, resources and products are recycled, reducing and ultimately eliminating the generation of waste. Although the transition from the current linear economic model to a circular approach can have many advantages for business actors (new profit opportunities, decreasing raw material costs), only limited progress has been made in the field of the implementation.
Our research is aimed at presenting the concept of the circular economy and examining the prevalence of the circular economic solutions, the obstacles and incentives of the transition in different industries.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Gabriella Imre PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Sándor Remsei PhD, Széchenyi István University
Anikó Makkos PhD, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Imre, G.; Makkos, A. (2024): The Implementation of Circular Economy Principles in the Practices of Hungarian Universities (planned)

Imre, G.; Remsei, S. (2023): Towards Sustainability in the Automotive Industry: Circular Economic Practices of the Audi Group, Conference on Sustainability, Chemical Engineering Transactions pp.211-216.

Remsei, S.; Imre, G. (2019): Prospects of Biofuel Production in the EU, In: Gubáňová Monika (ed.) Legal, Economic, Managerial and Environmental Aspects of Performance Competencies by Local Authorities, 6 th international scientific correspondence conference Nitra, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, pp.232-239.

Cultural and Creative Industry Research Group

The primary goal of the Cultural and Creative Industry Research Goup (CCIRG) is to contribute to the advancement of cultural and creative-based urban development by generating actionable scientific findings. Our workshop specifically concentrates on the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sector within both urban and rural settings, considering the viewpoints of policymakers, consumers, and entrepreneurs. Our research endeavors to uncover novel avenues for development and strategic possibilities while tracking emerging trends and businesses within the CCI sector. Notably, our efforts have been focused on Budapest, Hungarian cities, and the Szigetköz region.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Szandra Gombos (PhD), Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Petra Kinga Kézai (PhD), Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Kézai P. K., Gombos Sz. (2023): The Creative Economy as a Driver of Rural Development: A Case Study of Szigetköz in the Hungarian-Slovak Border Region in North-Western Hungary. EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE. 29, 53-81. DOI:

Kézai, P. K.; Gombos, Sz. & Jakobi, Á: (2023). Kulturális és kreatív ipar a Szigetközben.   TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM 37:2. 134-159.

Kézai, P. K. & Rechnitzer, J. (2023): Performance of enterprises in cultural and creative industries in large Hungarian cities between 2008 and 2018.   REGIONAL STATISTICS 13:1. pp. 167-198.

Gombos, Sz. (2016). A kulturális szolgáltatások kínálata közötti különbségek a magyarországi tízezer fő feletti városokban. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA 56: 5 pp. 565-587., 23 p

Further cooperation partner:

Budapest Business University Creative research group

Economic Modelling Research Group

The main research area of the Economic Modelling Research Group is the analysis of sectoral relations and value chains at regional, macroeconomic, and global levels. The database of our studies consists of public national and international input-output tables as well as self-edited input-output tables. Volume and price models serve as the methodological background of the research. At regional level, we analyze the spillover effects of companies' economic performance and various events and projects. We use national models to examine Hungary’s sectoral structure, growth opportunities and risks, and inflationary processes. Based on world input-output models, we investigate the participation of certain countries and groups of countries in global value chains, as well as their exposure and resilience to international volume and price shocks. With our special E3 (Economy-Electricity-Emissions) input-output table developed for Hungary, we perform integrated economic, environmental and energy management impact analyses.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Dr. Krisztián Koppány, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Dr. Koppány K.; Vakhal, P.; Pusztai, P. (2023): Hungary's inflationary exposures to global price movements. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY , 45 : 3 pp. 186-207.

Gáspár, T.; Sass, M.; Dr. Koppány K.; Bi S. (2023): Foreign trade relations of Hungary with China: A global value chain perspective. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY , 45 : 3 pp

Dr. Koppány K. (2020): A kínai koronavírus és a magyar gazdaság kitettsége. Mit mutatnak a világ input-output táblák? = The Chinese Coronavirus Outbreak and the Exposure of the Hungarian Economy. KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE = HUNGARIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 67 : 5 pp. 433-455.

Dr. Koppány K., Solt, K., Hunyadi, Zs. (2020): Fesztiválok gazdasági hatáselemzése = Economic Impact Analysis of Festivals. KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE = HUNGARIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 67 : 6 pp.585-631.

Dr. Koppány K. (2017): Estimating Growth Contributions by Structural Decomposition of Input-Output Tables. ACTA OECONOMICA 67 : 4 pp. 605-642.

Further cooperation partners

Department of International Economics, Future Value Chain Centre of Excellency, Budapest Business School

Center for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of World Economics

Kopint-Tárki Institute for Economic Research Co.

Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Major Cities of Hungary

The aim of the informal collaboration is to conduct an economic valuation of the ecosystem services provided by green areas in major Hungarian cities using a multidisciplinary approach. The team uses a market-based, quantitative approach and will survey residents of major cities to find out how much they would be willing to pay under two different scenarios. The scenario corresponding to positive environmental change is the expansion of green areas, while the scenario corresponding to avoiding negative change is the maintenance of green areas. Based on the data obtained, a specific value can be calculated on a per area basis, which can be considered as the ecosystem service value of green spaces. The group will also investigate how individual willingness to pay is influenced by demographic factors, housing characteristics and perceptions and knowledge of green areas. The predictors of willingness to pay and the multivariate relationships between variables are investigated using SEM modelling. The research is currently limited to Győr, with the long-term cooperation aiming to extend it to all regional centres in Hungary.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Eszter Csányiné Szemerédi PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

László Jóna PhD, Széchenyi István University

Economy and Demography

Demographic and economic problems are inseparable. Declining total fertility rates act as an initial driver of the economy through the first demographic dividend. However, over time, there is a significant ageing of the population, and the productive efficiency of an ageing society declines unless governments introduce special measures. While the second demographic dividend may serve as a counterbalance, it is not as evident as the first. Governments generally exert considerable efforts to increase women's willingness to have children, yet the experience thus far indicates that financial initiatives alone may not be sufficient to achieve this goal. On the other hand, the still rapidly growing human population raises the question of whether it is worthwhile to increase the population further, considering the Earth's limited carrying capacity.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Éva Berde, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Mahdieh Sharif, student, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Kurbanova, M. ; Berde, É. (2024): Intergenerational Interaction, Financial Well-Being, and Ageism in Kazakhstan During Covid Pandemic. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 35 : 2 pp. 154-178. , 17 p.

Berde, É. ; Kurbanova, M. (2023): Does the demographic dividend with human capital development yield an economic dividend? Evidence from Central Asia POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES 35 : 2 pp. 154-178. , 25 p.

Berde, É. ; Kovács, E. ; Kurbanova, M. (2023): The two‐sided paradox of Ageism during the Covid‐19 pandemic: The cases of Hungary, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan. REGIONAL SCIENCE POLICY & PRACTICE 15 : 3 pp. 606-625. , 20 p.

Berde, É. ; Drabancz, Á. (2022): The propensity to have children in Hungary, with some examples from other European countries. FRONTIERS IN SOCIOLOGY 7 Paper: 1009115 , 10 p. 

Berde, É., Mágó, M. L. (2022): Are older applicants less likely to be invited to a job interview? – an experimental study on ageism. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 44 : 6 pp. 1259-1272. , 14 p.

Entrepreneurship Research Group

The Entrepreneurship Research Group aims to contribute to the innovative functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe by providing scientific results. Its main objective is to investigate the diffusion, adoption, and uptake of innovative technologies, such as smart shops, artificial intelligence, and alternative business models. The research will focus on innovative start-ups, examining the motivations for entrepreneurship, related training programmes, and analysing the innovation potential and life cycle of enterprises.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Eszter Szabó-Szentgróti PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Szabolcs Rámháp Ph.D., Széchenyi István University
Petra Kinga Kézai Ph.D., Széchenyi István University Kautz

Most important publications:

Szabó-Szentgróti E., Konczos-Szombathelyi M., Rámháp S., Kézai P.K., 2023, How Consumers Accept Unmanned Smart Stores? – Introducing a Proposed Technology Acceptance Model, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 107, 373-378. DOI: 10.3303/CET23107063

Szabó-Szentgróti, Eszter, Rámháp, Szabolcs and Kézai, Petra Kinga. "Systematic Review of Cashierless Stores (Just Walk Out Stores) Revolutionizing The Retail" Management & Marketing, vol.18, no.s1, 2023, pp.427-448.

Szabó-Szentgróti, E.; Rámháp, Sz. & Kézai, P. K. (2023). A kassza nélküli technológiák – a „Csak sétálj ki” boltok – forradalmasítják a kereskedelmet. MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 184: 8. pp. 1030-1039.

FinTech and Alternative Digital Financial Solutions Research Group

The research group was formed from an Erasmus partnership in 2022. We will investigate attitudes and willingness to use Fintech solutions as an interface between the participants' subject areas (digitalisation, finance, financial instruments, psychology). As an international team, we will study the Polish, Romanian, Hungarian Generation Z. The use of financial applications and tools and the attitudes towards them.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Dr. Attila Kurucz, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Dr. Tamás Vinkóczi, Széchenyi István University

Dr. Ewelina Idziak 

1) Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Katedra Ekonomii, Poland

2) Azerbaijani State University of Economics, Women Researchers Council, Azerbaijan

Dr. Tamás Borbála - Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Applied Psychology Romania

Most important publications:

Gen Z - building a new archetype in Alternative Finance - Book chapter Scopus registered (under review)


Higher Education Decision Workshop

A professional workshop on the decision making process in higher education institutions analyses the factors that influence individuals' choices. Their research maps the preferences, values and needs of potential students, taking into account the reputation, professional programmes and infrastructure of educational institutions. In addition to economic considerations, social, cultural and demographic factors are also taken into account. The analyses and research carried out by the workshop will help educational institutions to understand the student environment and to become more attractive. As a result, educational institutions will be able to communicate and market more effectively and better serve the needs and expectations of students. The data and suggestions provided by the workshop will enable educational institutions to better respond to the changing market environment and competition, thus helping them to make optimal decisions for students and improve the quality of education.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Adrienn, Dernóczy-Polyák, PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Veronika, Keller,PhD, Széchenyi István University
Szandra, Gombos, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Dernóczi-Polyák, A., & Keller, V. (2024b). Where to go and why? Motivational factors in the choice of higher education institutions: the example of a university in Central Eastern Europe. In 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24) (pp. 1038–1045).


Keller, V., & Dernóczy-Polyák, A. (2024). Information Accessibility and Decision-Making in Career Selection: An Examination of Influential Sources for University Students. In 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24) (pp. 809–816).


HRM Sustainability and Trend Analysis

Contemporary social, economic, and environmental conditions encourage organization leaders to change their perspectives. This requires a rethinking of the Human Resource Management dimensions, which poses a challenge to employers and employees alike.
In a hybrid corporate reality, where human-machine interactions can be talked about as a complex system, neither the machine nor the human factor can be ruled out if we want to understand the real dilemmas.
As a research direction, we formulated the analysis of the relationship between Human Resource Management and artificial intelligence, the sustainability of Human Resource Management, and the strategic aspect of knowledge and talent management trends, focusing not only on measurable attributes but also on non-measurable attributes.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Adrián Horváth PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Judit Bilinovics-Sipos, Széchenyi István University
Nikolett Gyurián Nagy PhD , Széchenyi István University
Patrícia Horváth, Széchenyi István University
Potháczky Rácz Irma, Széchenyi István University
Viktória Magyar-Stifter Viktória PhD, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

In progress: COS’24 - Artificial intelligence in human resource management for sustainability: Research mapping between 2002-2024

Hybrid Decision-making in Sustainable Ecosystems

Our research group is revolutionizing the field of supply chain management (SCM) by adopting a more complex approach. Our goal is to replace the traditional deterministic, sometimes stochastic, quantitative view of supply networks, which typically focuses on one aspect of the network, with a complex approach. The supply network is represented as a complex system in a hybrid environment (the meeting of real and virtual reality). In a global approach, we interpret and explain network effects, their influence on organizational decisions, natural and artificial decisions based on human knowledge, as well as expedient solutions for their separation. The resulting complex hybrid model and its individual elements are then validated in living laboratories.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Edit Süle PhD, Széchenyi University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Zoltán BARACSKAI PhD, Széchenyi University
Judit BILINOVICS-SIPOS, Széchenyi University, SzEEDSM Doktoraé Program (Doctoral School of Business Administration Sciences)
Buics László PhD, Széchenyi UniversityPéter FÖLDESI PhD, Széchenyi University
Adrián HORVÁTH PhD, Széchenyi University
Barnabás KISS, Széchenyi University, SzEEDSM Doktoral Program (Doctoral School of Business Administration Sciences)
Eszter SOÓS, Széchenyi University, MMTDI (Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences)
Borbála TAMÁS, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tamás SNEIDER PhD, postdoctor (Alumni of SzEEDSM) without SZE affiliation
Enikő VARGA PhD, postdoctor (Alumni of SzEEDSM) without SZE affiliation

Most important publications:

Bilinovics-Sipos, J., Horváth, A., Süle, E. (2024): Understanding Determining Factors: Purchasing Decisions. In: Pinto, Carla M. A.; Pereira, Maria Teresa; Sá, José Carlos; Ferreira, Luís Pinto; Silva, Francisco J. G. (szerk.) Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems : Proceedings of FAIM 2023, June 18–22, 2023, Porto, Portugal, Volume 2: Industrial Management Cham, Svájc: Springer Nature Switzerland pp. 250-256. Paper: Chapter 30

Sós, E., Horváth, A., Földesi, P. (2023): Effects of Cognitive Biases and Their Fuzzy Measure During Freight Transportation. In: Dellbrügge, Marius; Clausen, Uwe (szerk.) Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport : Proceedings of the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic, Cham, Svájc : Springer International Publishing (2023) pp. 29-43. Paper: Chapter 3

Bartucz, Cs.,Buics, L., Süle, E., (2023): Lack of Collaboration on the CEP Market and the Underlying Reasons—A Systematic Literature Review. SUSTAINABILITY 15 : 13 Paper: 10361

Tamás, B., Sós, E., Baracskai, Z., Földesi, P., (2023): Augmented Reality as extended cognition for logistics decisions.  In: Valerij, Dermol (szerk.) Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability; The Role of Technology and Political Dialogue : Proceedings of the MakeLearn, TIIM & PIConf International Conference Bangkok, Thaiföld, Celje, Szlovénia, Lublin, Lengyelország, La Valletta, Málta : ToKnowPress pp. 281-294.

Teljes dokumentum

Information Society Research and Education Group (ISREG)

On the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and the Széchenyi István University (SZE), the Information Society Research and Education Group of Győr, led by Dr. Gábor Élő, started its activities on 1 December 2002.

The activities of the Information Society Research and Education Group (ISREG) are primarily aimed at contributing to the human application and development of information and communication technology and to raising awareness of information society issues, by taking on a project management and advisory role in addition to research and teaching.

The aim of the group is to provide an institutional backdrop, a communication medium and an appropriate infrastructure for new cooperative knowledge production processes, to provide a platform for the emergence and maturation of new ideas, and to create a wider public awareness of the information society and related technological issues that are perceived as crucial.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Élő Gábor PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Gábor Paller, PhD
Gábor Élő, PhD
Prof. F. Tamás Molnár

Most important publications:


Paller, G.; Elo, G.: Modular code generation for creating IoT applications In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (szerk.) 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME)

Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : IEEE pp. 1-4. , 4 p.

Paller, G. ; Élő, G. (2022): Towards a Floating Plastic Waste Early Warning System In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks SciTePress pp. 45-50. , 6 p.

Further cooperation partner:

Győr-Moson-Sopron County Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital

Labour Market Issues

I have explored various sub-topics within this overarching issue and plan to continue doing so. This encompasses the comparison between the gig economy and the traditional economy, representing a distinct 'worker status' compared to traditional forms of work. Another contemporary issue is student employment, which is already prevalent among full-time students. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the employment of older individuals and the issue of age discrimination in the labor market. In this regard, my research topic is intricately linked to the demographic issues discussed in the previous section. Beyond these, I have delved into unemployment concerns, the bias stemming from public employment, and various general labor market topics.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Éva Berde PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Remsei Sándor PhD, Széchenyi István Inverstiy
Enikő Kahler Korcsmaros, Selye János University, Komarno, Slovakia
Renata Hajabac Machova, Selye János University, Komarno, Slovakia
Wilma Asphalada, Széchenyi István University, student

Most important publications:

Berde, É. ; Remsei, S. (2023): Tanulás melletti munkavégzés a győri Széchenyi István Egyetem hallgatói körében. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE 101 : 10 pp. 915-932. , 18 p.

Berde, É. ; Mágó, M. L. (2022): Are older applicants less likely to be invited to a job interview? – an experimental study on ageism

EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 44 : 6 pp. 1259-1272. , 14 p.

Berde, É. ; Drabancz, Á. (2022): Az idősebb munkavállalók munkavállalási szándékát meghatározó tényezők vizsgálata

KÖZ-GAZDASÁG 17 : 4 pp. 81-107. , 27 p.

Berde, É. ; Rigó, M. (2020): Job satisfaction at older ages: A comparative analysis of Hungarian and German data


Berde, É. ; Tőkés, L. (2020): The platform economy as a working opportunity for older people: The case of the Hungarian carpooling company Oszkar


Lean and process improvement

The research team was set up in partnership with Leannovation. For 1.5 years now, we have held a monthly lean coffee event with several company managers to discuss different aspects of lean. Leannovation has developed a research questionnaire on lean transformations, lean maturity and the use of lean tools, called Lean360. The survey asked about these topics across the entire organization at all management and operator levels. The resulting 800+ samples were evaluated by the Department of Leadership and Marketing. In addition to the statistical evaluation of this, we began to work on publications and further development of the research.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Attila Kurucz PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

László Buics PhD, Széchenyi István University
Edit Váthy– Leannovation (President)
Sándor Pethő– Leannovation (Vice-President)
Zoltán Kőrösi– Leannovation (Vice-President)
Veronika Mátyás– Leannovation (Member of Board)

Most important publications:

The Importance of Effective Communication in Lean Transformation Success - Insights from a Hungarian Manufacturing Study. 8th FEB konferencia (submitted)

The key success factors of lean transformation – preparing (Magyar Minőség Folyóirat – Hungarian Quality Journal)

Lifestyle Apps

Health awareness and healthy lifestyles are becoming increasingly important in the online world. Thanks to the development of ICT tools and services, websites, blogs and social media profiles are helping people to live a healthy everyday life. The aim of our research is to explore what changes and impacts we can achieve in our daily routine and health as a result of using mobile health applications related to health and lifestyle, what are the motivations and barriers to use, and how internationally developed quality scales can be adapted to the Hungarian context.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Veronika Keller PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Erzsébet Printz Markó PhD, Széchenyi István University
Ida Ercsey PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee on Economic Sciences, Subcommittee on Marketing, Public Service and Nonprofit Marketing Committee

Most important publications:

Keller, V., & Ercsey, I. (2023a). Analyzing Perspectives on Lifestyle M-Health Apps: User and Non-User Insights. In Effective Digital Marketing for Improving Society Behavior Toward DEI and SDGs (pp. 48–67).

Keller, V., & Ercsey, I. (2023c). Thematic analysis of google play reviews of lifestyle apps. HUMAN TECHNOLOGY: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON HUMANS IN ICT ENVIRONMENTS19(1), 82–102.

Management Campus Competence Centre

The aim of the Centre is to contribute to the strategic upgrading of the role of family businesses in Hungary and to have a measurable impact on the development of Hungarian family businesses, their competitiveness, economic contribution, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The Centre's mission is to carry out research and educational activities in the field of start-ups, family businesses and health technology innovation, and to transfer research results into practice as well as provide services to stakeholders.

The Centre's research areas are:

- Investigation of family businesses;

- Research on start-up and spin-off companies;

- Exploring entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems;

- Investigation of helath technology innovation

Head of research (name, affiliation, email): 

Tibor Dőry PhD, Associate professor, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Tibor Dőry PhD
Szabolcs Rámháp PhD
Attila Makai PhD
Richárd Bavlsík
Susana Milicua Mendoza Perez PhD
Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti PhD
Tamás Vinkóczi PhD
Zoltán Csizmadia PhD
Ádám Páthy PhD

Most important publications:

Dőry T., Novotny Á., Makai A., Bavlsík R., Rámháp Sz. (2024): Diákvállalkozások születése a magyar egyetemeken: a Hungarian Startup University Program tapasztalatai. (Nascent entrepreneurship at Hungarian universities: Experiences of the Hungarian Startup University Program) STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 102 : 3, pp. 1-30.

Dőry T. (2023): A kiválóság foglyai. Menedzsment technikák radikális innovációk elindításához. (Captives of Excellence. Management techniques for launching radical innovations) Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft., Győr.

Makai A. L; Dőry T. (2023) Perceived university support and environment as a factor of entrepreneurial intention: Evidence from Western Transdanubia Region. In: PLOS ONE 18 : 6 p. e0283850

Szabó-Szentgróti, E. ; Rámháp, S. ; Kézai, P. K. (2023): Systematic Review of Cashierless Stores (Just Walk Out Stores) Revolutionizing The Retail. MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING 18 : 1, pp. 427-448

Further cooperation partners:

University of Montpellier, AMAROK Observatory
National Innovation Agency
National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
Hungarian Association of Automotive Parts Producers
Hungarian Youth Association

Marketing Innovations Among SPAs

Health tourism is one of the most dynamic tourism sectors today, where innovation is becoming increasingly important. Our research focuses on the wellness and leisure part of health tourism. Spas in particular have a strong competitive advantage in introducing various innovations - product, service, price, digital, communication - to appeal to health-conscious consumer groups.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Keller Veronika PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Printz Markó Erzsébet PhD, assistant professor, Széchenyi István University Faculty of Economics
Molnár, Elisabeta Ilona PhD, associate professor, Partium Catholic University

Most important publications:

Keller, V., Printz-Markó, E., & Szabó, R. Z. (2023). Social media communication of the spa industry during the four waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, 16(4), 97–116.

Veronika, K., Gréta, G., Elisabeta, I. M., & Erzsébet, P.-M. (2021). The future of the hungarian spa sector (thermal and medicinal baths). In Spa Town Inspiration (pp. 61–94).

Further cooperation partner:

Ákoshegyi György PhD, Hungarian Hydrological Society - President of the Section, Director General of OGYFI (retired)

New Type of Workplaces

Who has more skin in the game, one who specializes or one who doesn’t? Who will move on and where? Does a workplace affect the supply of work or vice versa? When entering a new type of workplace, aspirants require knowledge they don’t have, and a variety of learning pathways are taken, from self-organized learning environments to real-world experiences and formal and informal learning.

We hypothesize that:

  1. The evolution of their learning plays a key role in “staying or leaving”.
  2. Empowerment (milieu and sense of community) are the most important mediators of cooperation.

Job meaningfulness, recognition, role clarity, civility compensate for social isolation.

Questions of e-learning

The late 20th century witnessed the rapid development of various forms of e-learning. These include files and videos uploaded to universities' Moodle systems, small courses delivered over the internet, and, since 2011, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs, in particular, represent valuable forms of e-learning, with both Masters and Bachelors courses now available in fully MOOC format. Naturally, this raises numerous questions. However, for a university to effectively utilize available tools on a day-to-day basis and avoid losing market share, it is crucial to stay abreast of these developments.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email): 

Éva Berde, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation): 

Remsei Sándor, Széchenyi István University
Módosné Szalai Szilvia,  Széchenyi István University

Most important publications: 

Berde, É. (2021): Gutenberg és a MOOC. EDUCATIO 30 : 2 pp. 301-316.

Berde, É.; Kutasi, G. (2021): A tömeges nyílt online kurzusok lehetőségei és kihívásai Magyarországon. PRO PUBLICO BONO: MAGYAR KÖZIGAZGATÁS; A NEMZETI KÖZSZOLGÁLATI EGYETEM KÖZIGAZGATÁS-TUDOMÁNYI SZAKMAI FOLYÓIRATA 9 : 3 pp. 42-61.

Berde, É. (2020):Gutenberg and the MOOC: The Uber of Higher Education In: Petra, Aczél; András, Benedek; Kristóf, Nyíri (szerk.) How Images Behave Budapest, Magyarország : Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. 229-232.

Berde, É. (2019): Digital Divide and Robotics Divide In: Gu, Danan; Dupre, Matthew E (szerk.) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging Cham, Svájc : Springer International Publishing Paper: online, 5 p

Berde, É. (2013): A felsőoktatás lehetséges létszámpályái Magyarországon. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE 91 : 1 pp. 57-76. 

Sustainable Food Consumption

A healthy lifestyle is a major trend today, which includes eating more fruits and vegetables. At the same time, incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into our daily diets is not only important for health, but also for sustainability. By making a conscious effort to eat a plant-based diet, we can make a significant contribution not only to our own health, but also to the protection of our planet. In the context of sustainable food consumption, the work of NGOs working to reduce food waste and the attitudes of the Hungarian population towards food waste will be examined.

Head of research (name, affiliation, email):

Veronika Keller PhD, Széchenyi István University

Internal and external members (name, affiliation):

Péter Huszka PhD, Széchenyi István University

Most important publications:

Keller, V., & Huszka, P. (2023). Beliefs about plant-based diet based in a sample of Hungarian females. UKRAINIAN FOOD JOURNAL12(3), 398–418.

Keller, V. (2023). Sustainable Eating Habits: Examining Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Plant-Based Diets among Hungarians. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS107, 49–54.

Space - Economy - Society Journal

The Journal

SPACE - ECONOMY - SOCIETY is a scientific journal of Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics.

ISSN: 2064 - 1176

Established: 2012

The journal is published four times a year: March, June/July, September/October, and December (the first three editions are released in Hungarian, and the last one is an English version)

More information>>>

Kautz Conference 2024

Kautz Conference on Business and Economics

Transforming Global Challenges into Opportunities: Entrepreneurship and economic development in an uncertain and technology-driven business environment

Győr, Hungary – October 10-12, 2024