Dr. Rita Anna Ambrus PhD
Researching in the field of taxation in Hungary and European Countries: taxes for individuals and SMEs, the role of the tax allowances and incentives, taxes for local governance, tax administration, development and digitization of the tax system.
Dr. Judit Berkes PhD
My research topics are all related to regional science. I deal with urbanisation and catchment areas issues and the methodology for their development, as well as spatial analysis. In addition to research in Hungary, the focus also extends to the analysis of the economic geography of Central and Eastern European and Balkan countries; the different concentrations of economic organisations and activities (and their potential for analysis). I also deal with methodological issues and limitations of spatial analysis.
Katalin Dr. habil Borbély PhD
My research areas are closely related to my practical work. On the one hand, I research the history of Hungarian accounting regulations using secondary and primary methods, based on specific criteria, in the last 150 years. On the other hand, the digitization, communication and education of the Hungarian tax system are also important areas for me.
Dr. Heba Zaher PhD
Heba Zaher is an Assistant Professor at Szechenyi Istvan University. She received her PhD from Szechenyi Istvan University. Her research explores the extent to which CEO personality traits and characteristics influence the financial flow of the supply chain as well as the impact of this flow on firm performance. She also investigates the influence and consequences of firms' power in supply chain relationships.
Dr. Eszter Horváth PhD
One of the main areas of my research and scientific analysis is the study of the agriculture of the Szigetköz region, which is part of the Kisalföld region in Győr-Moson-Sopron County, the traditional and innovative actors of agriculture, and especially the agricultural activity (agglomeration agriculture) in the surroundings of Győr and of Mosonmagyaróvár city. The other main area of research in this context is the identification of rural development problems in Szigetköz region and the preparation of possible solutions.
Dr. Judit Petra Koltai PhD
Examining different aspects of sustainability, with a focus on green consumer behaviour and sustainable agriculture. Analysing online entertainment, digital media consumption and related consumer behaviour, exploring generational differences and preferences.
Dr. habil Gábor Kovács PhD
The agenda includes research on the financial management activities of business enterprises and the related planning and management systems. An important aspect of the research topic is the development of financial, controlling and risk management systems in accordance with the concept of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence, supplemented by the examination of business simulation methods. Sustainability management is becoming increasingly important for businesses, as it can contribute to the sustainable development of companies, including society, at environmental, social and governance levels. Corporate governance also contributes to the long-term success of companies. Sustainability efforts can have a positive impact on the long-term development of corporate productivity and efficiency. Financial simulation-based teaching methodology in management education can be used to reinforce and raise awareness of responsible and sustainability-oriented management decisions and mindsets. Simulations allow participants to play out and experience a variety of scenarios and to examine their long-term effects. Business simulations allow the managers to measure and use business value as an indicator of sustainability. Simulations can help users better understand the possible consequences of financial decisions and can facilitate better decision-making, taking into account the long-term consequences, which are key to ensuring sustainability.
Dr. Valéria Limpók PhD
In the past years, I examined the competitiveness of the Hungarian tax system, comparing it with international taxation. Sustainability is key issue in all aspects of today's life. I have been researching the global minimum tax to be introduced internationally from 2024, as a significant step towards sustainable tax policy. I am currently studying the feasibility of another very ambitious global target, the international climate goals for 2050, in Hungary. I will continue to focus on the issue of sustainability.
Péter Molnár
Sustainability accounting research in the area of corporate reporting. In my research I try to improve the process and quality of sustainability or ESG reporting. My main tools for this are the analysis of corporate reporting, standards, automated and statistical analysis of reporting methodologies and correlations. In addition, it is important to mention that my focus is on the changing automotive industry, so I also deal with mobility issues, mainly from an economic or sustainability perspective.
Dr. Zsuzsa Stion PhD
The accounting system, controlling system and financing of enterprises, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises. Information that can be extracted from the public accounting reports of enterprises and their evaluation and changes over time.
Dr. Dániel Róbert Szabó PhD
His research focuses on the impact of advertising music on branding communication and its potential applications, with special attention to the musical characteristics, components and audiovisual connections. In addition to the above, he is also involved in the valuation of farmland and the spatial distribution and evolution of prices. Further research will be carried out on the impact of the various SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) on the functioning of companies.
Dr. habil Tibor Tatay PhD
Financial markets and the functioning of financial institutions. Analysis of household savings and financial assets. Evaluation of investments in financial instruments. Analysis of macroeconomic processes from a financial perspective.